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Friday, November 06, 2009
今 天我们来谈谈“赌博者之误”(gambler fallacy),它和“代表性直觉”(representative heuristic)息息相关。人们会掉入赌博失利的陷阱,主要是因为他会以这样的逻辑做猜测:“我已经连输3晚,今天我一定会赚大钱!这些人相信,其结 果受运气因素、技术或其他特别情况所控制。
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Precious metals as alternative investments
PRECIOUS metals are considered alternative investments for investors to preserve wealth as they rush for safety amidst the decline of financial asset values. Precious metal resources are rare and finite therefore, have high investment value. The metals include gold, silver, platinum, palladium and rhodium.
Gold is the most popular investment of all the precious metals due to its characteristics and the roles it played throughout human history. Gold is the oldest universal currency and has been used as a medium of exchange for thousands of years. Over the centuries, gold is appreciated for its beauty, rarity and near indestructibility. This article will focus on precious metals as well as gold in particular.
Benefits of investing inprecious metals and gold
There are many reasons for investors to invest in precious metals and particularly gold. Some of the key advantages are as follows:
Investments in precious metals are not closely correlated to stocks and bonds.
For instance, gold helps in portfolio diversification because it is generally lowly correlated with other assets such as stocks and bonds.
"Asset diversification through assets that have low or negative correlations is essential in the wealth management process. Investors diversify to reduce risk in the portfolio and to increase returns, just like the saying 'don't put all your eggs into one basket'. To diversify, investors may put their money in several types of investments to minimise the impact of one type of asset on the overall performance of the total portfolio," said Datin Maznah Mahbob, chief executive officer, Funds Management Division of AmInvestment Bank Group.
The chart shows that the gains in gold price were higher than those of the S&P 500 Index and the MSCI World Index in the past four years. During the global financial meltdown last year, gold managed to hold its value and recorded a positive gain of 3 per cent as compared to -42 per cent and -38 per cent for the MSCI World Index and S&P 500 Index respectively. The same could be seen when the stock market crash occurred in 2002 in the US and Europe.
* Potential price rise for precious metals due to an imbalance supply-demand relationship
"There is an imbalance of supply and demand for precious metals including gold and platinum. The increasing demand for gold, particularly in Asia, could not be matched by gold supply," Maznah said.
In 2008, global gold demand of 3,804 tonnes exceeded the supply of only 3,512 tonnes. Total gold mine supply accounted for 2,064 tonnes or 59 per cent of the total (Source: World Gold Council, August 2009). There has not been much increase in gold supply due to expensive production cost for the metal and the limit in gold sales by central banks in recent years.
Global gold jewellery demand was recorded at 2,186 tonnes or 58 per cent of the total demand last year (Source: World Gold Council, August 2009).
Over the past ten years, gold demand for jewellery, coins and medals made up around 83 per cent of global demand (Source: Societe Generale Cross Asset Research, August 2009).
There is also mismatch in demand and supply for platinum. In 2008, global platinum demand was 6.35 million ounces as compared to platinum supply of 5.97 million ounces, based on Johnson Matthey's "Platinum 2009" market review. The supply dropped by 9.5 per cent primarily due to production problems in South Africa including interruptions to electricity supply, smelter shutdowns and bad weather.
Going forward, the price of precious metals is expected to increase since low supply could not accommodate the increasing demand.
* Gold for long-term inflation protection
Inflation is an increase in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. It decreases the amount of goods or services that consumers can buy. Inflation reduces purchasing power of consumers due to currencies losing their value.
"Gold could maintain its long-term value through the market cycles. Therefore gold is preferred as a hedge against inflation as it could keep up with the inflation rate," Maznah said.
For example, the price of a limousine is equivalent to about 5 kilograms of gold today. Comparatively, the same amount of gold was required for a limousine 50 years ago although the price of the luxury vehicle has increased many times.
* Gold is a good hedge for US dollar
Gold is considered a good protection against depreciation in currency as the value of gold does not depreciate.
"Gold is an effective hedge against fluctuations in the US dollar, which is the world's main trading currency. There is a negative correlation between gold price and the US dollar. This relationship is consistent over time and across exchange rates," Maznah added.
* Gold is a store of value
Money or currencies may lose their function as a store of value during inflation. On the contrary, gold, silver, real estate and other stores of value have shown their consistency over time. Demand for gold increases during political, social or economic distress because the value of gold retains in most situations.
Gold is the only currency in the world that is not subject to competitive devaluation, debasement (the practice of lowering the value of currency) or the excessive promises of overspent governments. It is stable and does not rely on obligation for repayment by any government or corporation.
Investors have the options of making direct or indirect investments in precious metals to enjoy the many benefits of this asset class and to ride out the storms of a volatile market. Precious metals generally perform well during periods of rising inflation, heightened financial market volatility and geopolitical event risk.
Thus, this asset class remains an investment tool of choice for wealth preservation and portfolio diversification.
*This article is contributed by the Funds Management Division of AmInvestment Bank Group.
定期存款多樣化 門檻高 膽要大 本要夠
千萬別看漏了最下方的“附帶條 款與條件”!
市場上的定存產品多不勝數,但大資本的高門檻高往往讓小市民望而卻步。 |
國內大部分銀行皆提供外幣定存,惟消費者不得不謹慎其中陷阱。 |
志必得證券(Jupiter Securities)研究主管馮廷秀指出,納入外幣的定存就像投資般存有一定的風險,特別是普通消費者難以追蹤匯率走勢。
國內商業銀行利率水平(%) | |||||||||||||
銀行 | 截至2009年6月15日的定存利息(月份)(不包括特別促銷) | 基貸率 | |||||||||||
1* | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | ||
艾芬銀行 | 2.00 | 2.10 | 2.20 | 2.30 | 2.50 | 5.50# | |||||||
安聯銀行 | 2.00 | 5.55 | |||||||||||
大馬銀行 | 2.00 | 2.10 | 2.15 | 2.20 | 5.55 | ||||||||
盤谷銀行 | 2.00 | 2.05 | 2.10 | 2.20 | 5.55# | ||||||||
大馬美國銀行 | 2.00 | 5.55# | |||||||||||
大馬中國銀行 | 2.00 | 5.55 | |||||||||||
大馬三菱東京日聯銀行 | 2.00 | 5.25 | |||||||||||
聯昌銀行 | 2.00 | 2.10 | 5.55 | ||||||||||
花旗銀行 | 2.00 | 5.60# | |||||||||||
大馬德意志銀行 | 2.00 | 5.55 | |||||||||||
國貿銀行 | 2.00 | 5.55# | |||||||||||
豐隆銀行 | 2.00 | 5.55# | |||||||||||
大馬匯豐銀行 | 2.00 | 5.55 | |||||||||||
摩根大通銀行 | 2.00 | 5.25 | |||||||||||
馬銀行 | 2.00 | 2.05 | 2.10 | 5.55 | |||||||||
大馬華僑銀行 | 2.00 | 5.55# | |||||||||||
大眾銀行 | 2.00 | 2.05 | 2.10 | 5.55 | |||||||||
興業銀行 | 2.00 | 5.55 | |||||||||||
大馬渣打銀行 | 2.00 | 5.55# | |||||||||||
豐業銀行 | 2.00 | 5.55 | |||||||||||
皇家蘇格蘭銀行 | 2.00 | 5.25 | |||||||||||
大馬大華銀行 | 2.00 | 5.55 | |||||||||||
* 最低存放額5000令吉 # 主要貸款率與基貸率相同鎮鎮 資料來源:大馬銀行公司ABM) |
政府銀行相爭 消費者錢牽何處?
公眾踴躍搶購大馬信託基金,除了獲政府擔保,最重要是投資門檻低。 |
政府早前推出的50億令吉人民儲蓄回教債券(Sukuk Simpanan Rakyat)、33億3000萬令吉的大馬信託基金(ASM)及2020宏願信託基金(ASW2020),都在公開發售的首天,便被公眾踴躍搶購。
命名誤導 結構存款非存款
提到存款時,投資者或許聽過結構性存款(structured deposit)一詞,但對它所知不多。
銀行業者紛紛使出混身解數,多元化定存產品吸引消費者,特別是持有優渥現金的年長者。 |
銀行大搶錢 誘人高利促銷
大眾銀行(PBBANK,1295,主要板金融)早前推出外幣定期存款Power Invest促銷,連續4次存放可享有高達12%年利率。
聯昌銀行(CIMB Bank)推出幾項定存促銷,為期6個月的定存享有2.3%年利率,但最低存放額5萬令吉。
外幣定存高利 小心暗藏陷阱
定存利率偏低,固定利息收入的定存魅力早已大不如前。 |
投資產品借名存款 難辨購買風險
諾貝爾經濟學獎得獎者羅傑梅爾森(Roger Myerson)曾指出,金融機構出現道德風險問題,一部分源自於我們“濫用”了對金融機構的信任。