Saturday, August 22, 2020

Are you passionate about your job or career which is within your strength and needed by the World?

 Are you passionate about your job or career which is within your strength and needed by the World?

If you are not, please find your strength (either from Strenght Finder or people's feedback) first. Look for job or carerr that you are very good at (strength), you will able to grow your passion easily. If people willing to pay you then this is the best and most suitable job for you (Passion, Strength, and World need it). Please share
如果不是,就先通过Strength Finder或大众回馈了解自己的强项(Strenght), 选择善用自己强项的职业或工作,很快你就会找到你的激情,然而如果人家需要你(服务或产品),那就是你最好和最合适的工作和职业。记得分享喔!

Now my financial stress management E-Book is available in Amazon

Now my financial stress management E-Book is available in Amazon. You can purchase with only USD 4.19 per copy. If you still prefer physical book, you may look for local bookstores or me. I am working on Audiobook version of it. Mandarin version will be ready by next year. Thank you very much.