Friday, December 15, 2017

幸福企业,未来企业的新趋势和模范企业-Happy Company, a Future Trend and Model Company

这是归零后,从新开始新的题目和挑战,全力协助公司打造公司新文化-幸福企业 (It time to start from zero with new topic and challenge by helping company on building a new, sustainable and strong company culture-happy company) 

 ☆未来企业的趋势和模范?什么幸福企业? 幸福企业的价值,经营,传承,延续和个案探讨。 
 ☆Future Trend & Model Company? What is Happy Company? Happy Company's Value, 
Management, Continue & Case Study 

日期:13 Jan 2018 
地点:槟城Fin Freedom Office, Bayan Baru 

Contact Person(s) 
Training 04-6443466/6443467


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Personal Wealth Management-"Creation/Accumulation->"Protection"->"Perservation"->"Distribution"

For those who looking forward to learn personal wealth management in Ipoh. This class is confirmed. The Personal Wealth Management started from "Wealth Creation/Accumulation->Wealth Protection and Risk Management->Wealth Preservation and Finally Wealth Distribution". In this class my focus will be on Personal Wealth Protection on 3 major insurance coverage-Personal, Asset and Liability. Let me know if you interest to join and learn

Date: 23 Dec 2017 (Sat)
Time 9am-6pm
Venue: Tower Regency Hotel, Ipoh

Online Registration

Contact Person(s)

#CPE #HRDF #CPD #wealth #personalwealthmanagement #balance #wealthplanning #financialplanning #accumulatewealth #protectwealth #perservewealth #distributewealth
#moneymastermy #finfreedom #learning #workshop

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Transform your financial stress to Financial Wellness with Superior Financial Planning Skills

This is my key training class that a lot people looking for, is about Financial Stress Management. Mastering the financial planning skills is proved can reduce the stress come from money by 50%.  Let me know if you are interest

Date: 20 Dec 2017
Time 9am-6pm
Venue: KL Sentral SSM Office, KL

1) HRDF Claimable under SBL Scheme
2) CPE / CPD point entitlement
    a)      SIDC CPE – 10 points
    b)      FIMM CPD – 8 points
    c)         MFPC CPD - 8 points (only if you are MFPC member)

Contact Person(s)

Online Registration

#CPE #HRDF #CPD #FIMM #MFPC #financialplanning #wealthplanning #SIDC #stress #financialstress #balance #stressmanagement #financialplanning
#moneymastermy #finfreedom #learning #workshop #money #personalfinance

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Redefine your retirement definition, quantify your retirement numbers & optimize your strategies

Let redefine your own retirement definition, quantify your own retirement number (Need, Resource and Gaps) and optimize your retirement strategies as whole by attending the workshop coached by me on 11 Dec 17 (Mon) at Penang. 

1. Redefine Retirement
2. Provide DIY retirement tool
3. Optimize current Nest egg
4. Real life stories & case study
5. Interactive learning in comfortable environment

1. Allow the participants especially matured adult to plan well for their retirement, have a peace of mind to maintain work life balance and stay focus on job.
2. Allow the participants to master winning strategies to optimize their nest egg to achieve their retirement.

Who Should Attend
a) Directors, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Managers, Team Leaders, Decision Makers who are committed to lead their team toward financial wellness and successful in career and life.
b) Financial Professionals who look for upholding their skills, professionalism and knowledge in order to serve their clients better.

Learning Outcome
1. Participants should be able to better manage of client’s finance and retirement life.
2. Participants should be able to help their client take control of their own life, family and money.
3. Participants should be able to guide their clients to live life to the fullest and in the same time giving and helping those needed.

Course Outlines
1. Define your retirement
2. What kind of retirement life you want
3. How much nest egg you have to fund your retirement?
4. What are strategies to optimize your nest egg?
5. Preparation to retirement
6. Summary

1) HRDF Claimable under SBL Scheme
2) CPE / CPD point entitlement
    a)      SIDC CPE – 10 points
    b)      FIMM CPD – 8 points
    c)         MFPC CPD - 8 points        

Online Registration

Contact Person(s)

Monday, November 13, 2017

Financial Stress-Restructuring Tight or Negative Cash Flow @ Smart Imvestor Oct 17

I am sharing How to "Restructuring Tight or Negative Cash Flow" in Smart Investor Oct 17 on title  "Financial Stress Tight or Negative Cash Flow". Please share with me your suggest if you have any good idea so that i can learn more

#CPE #HRDF #CPD #FIMM #MFPC #financialplanning #wealthplanning #SIDC #stress #financialstress #balance #stressmanagement #financialplanning
#moneymastermy #finfreedom #learning #workshop #money #personalfinance

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

海外ETF火红,大马ETF 4招打破闷局-资汇October 17

有人问巴菲特,如果您不在了,您会如何建议家人投资,他说,我会建议他/她投资在低服务费和年费的交易所指数基金-Exchange Traded Fund(ETF)。这次,资汇(10月30号)就针对证券局要开放更多销售管道来推销ETF。我有分享一些我的看法,多多指教。谢谢雪桦的电话访谈。

#ETF #BursaMalaysia #ExchangeTradedFund #Investment #SC #Securities #Invest #moneynlife #finfreedom #thebusyweekly #financialplanning #YongChuEu
#投资 #资汇 #证券局 #交易所指数基金 #理财 #财福人生 #理财规划 #杨子佑硕士

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

"Financial Stress Tight or Negative Cash Flow"-Smart Investor Sept 17

I am sharing "How to practice good financial planning skill to overcome money-related problem" in Smart Investor Sept 17 on title  "Financial Stress Tight or Negative Cash Flow".   Please share with me your way if you came across before

#CPE #HRDF #CPD #FIMM #MFPC #financialplanning #wealthplanning #SIDC #stress #financialstress #balance #stressmanagement #financialplanning
#moneymastermy #finfreedom #learning #workshop #money #personalfinance

Monday, October 30, 2017

Personal Wealth Management and You!

This is my 6th new financial master class topic on "Personal Wealth Management and You" that i prepared for nearly one month which was successfully run in Penang on Oct and now it finally come to KL on 17 Nov-Friday. The Personal Wealth Management started from "Wealth Creation/Accumulation->Wealth Protection and Risk Management->Wealth Preservation and Finally Wealth Distribution". In this class my focus will be on Personal Wealth Protection on 3 major insurance coverage-Personal, Asset and Liability. Let me know if you interest to join and learn

1) Employ best-suited wealth management tools
2) Real life stories & case study
3) Interactive learning in comfortable environment
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Discuss what is the personal wealth management and its process.
2. Discuss how to accumulate, protect, preserve and finally distribute the wealth.
3. Employ the best-suited wealth management tool based on personal life cycle, financial goals and needs.

1. Well manage the clients’ finance and wealth.
2. Archive the balance between money, family, and life.   
3. Guide the clients to live life to the fullest and at the same time giving and helping those needed.

1. What is personal wealth management?
2. Wealth Creation and Accumulation
3. Wealth Protection & Risk Management
4. Wealth Preservation
5. Wealth Distribution
6. Summary

Who Should Attend
a) Directors, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Managers, Team Leaders, Decision Makers who are committed to lead their team toward financial wellness and successful in career and life.
b) Financial Professionals who look for upholding their skills, professionalism and knowledge in order to serve their clients better.

1)      HRDF Claimable under SBL Scheme
2)      CPE / CPD point entitlement
    a)      SIDC CPE – 10 points
    b)      FIMM CPD – 8 points
    c)      MFPC CPD – 8 hours

Online Registration
Contact Person(s)

#CPE #HRDF #CPD #wealth #personalwealthmanagement #balance #wealthplanning #financialplanning #accumulatewealth #protectwealth #perservewealth #distributewealth
#moneymastermy #finfreedom #learning #workshop

Thursday, October 19, 2017

What a simple yet practical financial plan can offer?

I will be sharing "A Simple Yet Practical Financial Plan Tool" on 4 Nov at Fin Freedom Training Lounge (Penang).  For those who are looking grab the practical tool, useful knowledge of financial plan on setting financial goals-Education, Net Worth, Debt Free and Retirement in the same time entitle  10 points of SIDC CPE and 8 CPD Hours of  FIMM CPD. The participants can claim 8 CPD Hours from MFPC individually and this class is claimable over HRDF Fund. 

Online Registration

#financialplan #moneymastermy #finfreedom #money #education #debt #financialplanning #financefreedom #CPE #SIDC #CPD #HRDF #NetWorth #wealthmanagement #goalsetting #financialgoal #FIMM #wealth

Friday, September 29, 2017

Can you afford another child?-30 Sept-6 Oct Focus Malaysia Magazine

Can you afford another child? Look for my commentory on 30 Sept-6 Oct Focus Malaysia Magazine to know more... Thanks to Siew May.

#Child #FocusMalaysia #RaiseAKid #ChildEducation #financialplanning #moneynlife #YongChuEu #finance

Monday, September 25, 2017



















根据彭博社,过去8季预测国际金价走势的最准确的丹麦银行分析师图克森(Christin Tuxen),预计伦敦黄金现货今年均价为每安士1千720美元,而第二准确的瑞士信贷分析师肯达尔(Tom Kendall)则预测今年均价为每安士1千740美元,这是基于主要中行持续以量化宽松政策来振兴经济,可望支撑金市买盘,而预测今年金价上扬。












Monday, September 04, 2017

Have you write a will? What is the practical aspects of writing a professional will that can prevent costly delay and dispute?

I will be sharing Professional Will Writing @ Penang on 9 Sept (Sat) and KL on 30 Sept (Sat). No matter you have written one or not, come to master the practical aspects of will writing in one day. Other Estate Planning tools that complement the will will be discussed too.

Grab your seats here,

#CPE #HRDF #CPD #will #estate #FIMM #SIDC #trust #balance #wealthmanagement #financialplanning #money #finance
#moneymastermy #finfreedom #learning #workshop

Monday, August 14, 2017

Take control of your finance and life by using the given simple but practical financial plan tool @ KL

SIDC CPE, FIMM CPD & HRDF Financial Master Class-A Simple Yet Practical Financial Plan Tool
Date:  22 August 17 (Tues)
Venue: SSM Training Center @ KL Sentral
Time: 9am-6pm

-Financial Health Check
-Practical Financial Plan tool given
-Real life stories & case study
-Interactive learning in comfortable environment

1. Help clients and ownself to construct a simple yet practical financial plan
2. Employ the tool to plan and gains commitment from client and open business opportunity on financial solutions proposed

1. Participants should be able to better manage of the client’s finance through financial planning tool.
2. Participants should be able to help their client take control of their own life, family and money.
3. Participants should be able to guide their clients to live life to the fullest and in the same time giving and helping those needed.

Target group
Remisers, CMSRL License Holders, Private Bankers, Bank Relationtion Managers, Registered & Licensed Financial Planners/Advisors, Investment Bank management and staff, Commercial Bank Management and Staff, Islamic Bank Management and Staff, Public and Industry Related Professionals, Stock Broking firms' management, Business Reporters and Public

Course Outline
1. Knowing you financially.
2. Overview of Financial Planning & the important of financial planning
3. Important of having a goal
4. Financial Plan’s goal, resources and gaps-Education, Debt, Networth & Retirement
5. Formulate Financial/Investment Strategies.
6. Develop Action Plan and Review Schedule.
7. Q & A & Summary

1) HRDF Claimable under SBL Scheme
2) CPE / CPD point entitlement
    a)      SIDC CPE – 10 points
    b)      FIMM CPD – 8 points

Contact Person(s)

#financialplan #moneymastermy #finfreedom #money #education #debt #financialplanning #financefreedom #CPE #SIDC #CPD #HRDF #NetWorth #wealthmanagement #goalsetting #financialgoal #FIMM #wealth

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

"Money is the biggest cause of stress" - Smart Investor August 17


#CPE #HRDF #CPD #SIDC # FIMM #stress #financialstress #balance #stressmanagement #financialplanning
#moneymastermy #finfreedom #learning #workshop

Thursday, August 03, 2017

From stress to financial stress

As per United Nation reported before saying that stress is one of the top two modern killers. This is not something new as the majority of us hear about the stress and its effects but more from negative points of view-harmful to our life and health. So, what is stress? Stress is about your respond (body and mind) against the keep on the changing environment and how we react to the stress really matter most. The thing that stresses you out might not cause the same effect to others. As a matter of fact, stress does create a positive impact on our life too as it pushes us out of the comfort zone to do more than we think we can or maybe change the way of doing the (same)  things. One example is if you are in danger, the environment (stress) will trigger you to run away or ask for help. In this situation, stress actually is helping. The good or bad effect of stress is depended on how you think about it. 

My teacher told me before that he used to set higher expectation (let say expect 10-20% more) to each member of his student (of course based on what his own understanding about each of them), then each team member will try to fight to complete it as per expected. When come to result, he will accept whatever level of outcome done by his team after reviewing about it. If he did not set the higher expectation to each of them, most people only did whatever they think they can, some just “simply do” it and some even give the outcome that even lower than what he or she can do.  So, stress can make you stretch, serious about it and do more than you can. 

As per picture below, this is about the relationship between performance (personal or job) and the level of stress we faced. 


I am sure you will feel bored (feel being ignored, not important) if you are being given a routine and not challenging job at all, that why we all need a certain level of stress which leads to higher performance and you will feel excited, focused and energized about what you going to face. Of course, the optimum level of stress varies among us other so we must know clearly what is our limit-stress symptoms. Too much of stress make you feel “overloaded” and it will cause a negative impact to the performance and personal ill health. I have a friend who nearly ended his life due to the worry of not able to complete the degree final year project, of course, unable to graduate. He told me that even by continue working on it 24x7 for 3-4 months, it is impossible to complete it, the supervisor was too much. 

Sometimes, we do not realize that we are overloaded with stress and even the doctor also cannot find the reason behind some sickness like a headache, stomachache and etc. Actually, there are few symptoms that will help to know whether we are in an over-stressed boundary, which are listed below:
(a) Feeling of anxiety, depression, tension, frustration and mood swing
(b) Abnormal of heart beat, high blood pressure, slow body metabolism and digest
(c) Poor concentration and short-term memory capacity
(e) Eating/Sleeping less, increasing intake of caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes disrupted sleep patterns, absenteeism, and reduced work performance.

I had a constant headache for nearly 1 week when I started to accept a senior position in one MNC company before. The new position not only with high expectation but also need to pick up in a very short time, more and more tasks being loaded in and the working culture also was really different from my previous one. I need to continue taking the painkiller to cure the headache as a temporary fix and I also took “MC” twice in the same month. Finally, I managed to cope (familiar) with it after a while.

Today, maintaining a life and supporting a family is tougher than before, and I am sure that most of us face a certain level of stress now or in the past 1-2 years. Allow me to share one TED video about stress and this can save your life by changing your mindset about the stress. Kelly McGonigal is a health psychologist who shared on “how to make stress your friend” in the TED Talk worth watching. It will totally overturn our mind that we used to treat the stress as harmful and enemy. Let me summarize for you as follow:

·         a) People who experienced a lot of stress but did not view stress as harmful were no likely to die.

·      b) Those who learned to view the stress response (body) as helpful; they were less stressed out, less anxious and more confident-biology of courage. Their blood vessels stayed relaxed even their heart was still pounding, but this is a much healthier cardiovascular profile-like what happens in moments of joy and courage.

·         c) When you choose to connect with others under stress, you can create resilience against stress.

·        d) For every major stressful life experience, like financial difficulties or family crisis, that increased the risk of dying by 30 percent but those who spent time caring for others showed absolutely no stress-related increase in dying. Caring created stress resilience.


There is another important tip which I find is very useful by Kerwin Rae on his video on how to overcome the stress.  According to Science, stress’s hormone “Cortisol” can reduce our IQ performance by 40-50% and of course bad effect to our health but by practicing grateful (hindsight and count your blessings) toward the thing that stresses us out will create DHEA (Antidote to Cortisol) which can eliminate the Cortisol and its effect to our body. We should practice grateful in every moment of our life not just too over the stress but it is a very powerful and positive energy that can attract wealth, abundance, and wellness into your life.  

There are so many stressors in our life such as physical environment, weather, relationship, family, money, career, study, sickness, emotional and etc. Let me elaborate on how career creates a stress to us. To me, career planning is about knowing whether you like to deal/work with people or not, you will fall sick if you hate to face with people but it is required in your daily job. I have a friend who falls into this category where he prefers to deal with the computer, machine, a robot without the need to entertain people (fewer people communication). He thinks people are too emotional and very tiring to deal with people.  

What our focus will be the money out of so many stressors because this is the top contributor to overall stress we face daily. Carnegie also told us that financial problem is one of top two family problems most people face. I will share more on next article. 

* This is the article that i contributed to Smart Investor but they thought it is too general and is about health than wealth so they rejected it so i put it here 

#CPE #HRDF #CPD #SIDC # FIMM #stress #financialstress #balance #stressmanagement #financialplanning
#moneymastermy #finfreedom #learning #workshop #YongChuEu